Friday, September 4, 2020
Benefits of Human Resource Portals Essay
Torres-Coronas and Arias-Oliva characterize a human asset entryway as a lot of utilizations which profits a solitary door to customized just as modified data (2005). It merits referencing that Portal procedures are right now being either received or utilized in numerous cutting edge associations. This has been required by the need of association to actualize one normal base as far as Human Resource systems and approaches all through the association. What's more, there is an expansion in the quantity of worldwide branches in a few associations because of the inclination for worldwide development. With this foundation this paper will dispassionately examine the purposes behind the prominence of human asset gateways among the human asset directors. Human asset gateways empower the human asset administrators to encounter endeavor unification particularly if a worldwide HR entryway is set up. This arrangement guarantees the arrangement of better administrations to the representatives. Also, human asset directors in worldwide associations think that its simple to interface legitimately with the representatives and the whole workforce of the firm in all areas. Representatives can without much of a stretch access all the applicable administrations through the worker entrance and as such the human asset administrator doesn't need to go to every individual representative except if under uncommon conditions. This subsequently lessens the remaining task at hand of the human asset directors because of the accessibility of alternate route forms (Torres-Coronas and Arias-Oliva, 2005). Furthermore, the administrators are in a superior situation to concentrate on the accomplishment of hierarchical key objectives. An a valid example is the Time Warner’s entrance, which is alluded to as the Employee Connection. This entrance gives the 80,000 workers of this association, cost repayment, access to benefits enlistment and different administrations (Robb, 2006). The enlistment procedure has similarly been made simpler, quicker and progressively effective. Considering worldwide staffing innovation and activities, the BearingPoint entrance is an achievement accomplishment with regards to worldwide enrollment. Its â€Å"Called Career Connections†empowers representatives to get to and go after positions globally, subsequently making it straightforward for human asset directors to complete enrollment. Also, the referral area found in this gateway takes into account online worker referrals that give space for new representatives, not at all like at first where the firm depended on premium employment sheets which were over the top expensive (Robb, 2006). It merits referencing that these entryways are typically influenced by issues, for example, neighborhood guidelines as far as tax collection just as protection. For example, the Data Privacy Directive utilized inside the European Union which confines transmission and screens the kind of information being referred to. This along these lines suggests that a few representatives working in other global parts of any firm will be unable to get to data put away in different pieces of the world (Hildebrandt and Gutwirth, 2008). Be that as it may, when the correct measures are set up, there are more focal points that accompany the work of these gateways and as such human asset entryways are progressively gotten increasingly famous among the human asset supervisors.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Spirituality through community
In â€Å"Cathedral,†Raymond Carver composed the tale of an anonymous male storyteller who portrays a visit from Robert, a visually impaired male companion of his significant other. Roberts’ appearance and remain in the narrator’s home makes the storyteller desert his generalizations about visually impaired individuals and to comprehend himself better. Carver, through his story, asserts that so as to be free we should disengage ourselves from generalizations and spotlight on self comprehension. Carver utilizes â€Å"Cathedral†as the title for his story so as to accentuate that the way toward finishing a house of God is a higher priority than the final product, which could take around one hundred years. During the time spent drawing a church building with the visually impaired man, the storyteller, placing himself in Robert’s shoes, is illuminated while an important relationship creates between the two men. The storyteller experiences a procedure of change. In the start of the story, the storyteller is particularly against Robert’s visit. Envy and contempt appear to defeat him. His wife’s affection for Robert and their dear fellowship that has spread over thousand of miles and ten years troubles him. Besides, the cliché picture that he has worked in his brain about visually impaired men blocks him from inviting Robert into his home and into his life. In any case, things change as the storyteller and Robert start on a journey to draw a church building. The final product isn't the church drawn however the inclination that defeats the storyteller subsequent to having set out on the procedure. The narrator’s recently discovered awareness would not have happened notwithstanding the procedure. By drawing, the storyteller can encounter various emotions that have been strange to him previously. Indeed, even with eyes shut, the storyteller despite everything prevails with regards to creating the church. This shows the worth isn't in the last item however in the excursion that one experiences to arrive at it. It isn't the finished result that increases otherworldliness in an individual; the excursion permits an individual to arrive at further. It isn't the finished result yet the excursion that permits the individual to encounter. Without the procedure, there will be no understanding. Taking a gander at somebody else’s work is far not quite the same as creating the work. One acknowledges the finished result more on the off chance that he understands the work that goes into creating it. The tale of â€Å"Cathedral†unmistakably shows such. The storyteller experienced issues portraying the houses of prayer that were appeared on TV. This was on the grounds that he had small understanding and involvement with church buildings. As the storyteller stated, â€Å"I can’t mention to you what a church building resembles. It only isn’t in me to do it. I can’t do any more than I’ve done.†His trouble stems not from his failure to see the house of prayer; it originates from his absence of experience and comprehension of what a church building is and a big motivator for it. The storyteller sees no an incentive in basilicas. He stated, â€Å"The truth is, houses of God don’t mean anything exceptional to me. Nothing. Houses of prayer. They’re something to take a gander at on late-night TV. That’s all they are.†However, having left on the way toward drawing a church building, the storyteller can understanding. He can assemble another point of view on things. This demonstrates it isn't the final product however the excursion to it that truly matters.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Doppler Effect free essay sample
Doppler Effect BY dallas529 The Doppler impact (or Doppler move), named after Austrian physicist Christian Doppler who proposed it in 1842, is the adjustment in recurrence of a wave for an eyewitness moving comparative with the wellspring of the wave. It is regularly heard when a vehicle sounding an alarm or horn approaches, passes, and retreats from an eyewitness. The got recurrence is higher (contrasted with the transmitted recurrence) during the methodology, it is indistinguishable at the moment of cruising by, and it is lower during the ecession. In the event that the source moving endlessly from the onlooker is radiating waves through a medium with a genuine recurrence fO, at that point an eyewitness fixed comparative with the medium identifies waves with a recurrence f given by where versus is sure if the source is moving ceaselessly from the spectator, and negative if the source is moving towards the spectator. A comparative examination for a moving eyewitness and a fixed source yields the watched recurrence (the beneficiaries speed being spoken to asvr): here the comparative show applies: vr is sure if the onlooker is moving towards the source, and negative if the spectator is moving endlessly from the source. We will compose a custom exposition test on Doppler Effect or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page These can be summed up into a solitary condition with both the source and beneficiary moving. With a generally moderate moving source, vs,r is little in contrast with v and the condition approximates to where . Anyway the restrictions referenced above still apply. At the point when the more confounded careful condition is determined without utilizing any approximations Oust expecting that ource, recipient, and wave or sign are moving straightly generally to one another) few intriguing and maybe astounding outcomes are found. For instance, as Lord Rayleigh noted in his great book on sound, by appropriately moving it is conceivable to hear an orchestra being played in reverse. This is the alleged time inversion impact of the Doppler impact. Other intriguing ends are that the Doppler impact is time-subordinate all in all (along these lines we have to know the source and eceivers speeds, yet in addition their situations at a given time), and in certain conditions it is conceivable to get two signals or waves from a source, or no sign by any stretch of the imagination. Furthermore there are a larger number of conceivable outcomes than Just the collector moving toward the sign and the recipient subsiding from the sign. All these extra difficulties are determined for the traditional, I. e. , non-relativistic, Doppler impact, yet hold for the relativistic Doppler impact just as.
Informal assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Casual - Assignment Example The hints of synthetic designing is all over the place and influences each part of our lives. The utilization of compound building is wide gone. A concoction designer may make plan about a specific item and make the new procedures to make such item. Such item might be utilized in our every day lives, for example, the toothpaste in our washrooms to drugs that recuperates us to profitability apparatuses that we used to create different things, for example, PCs or machines. Synthetic specialists can likewise work and oversee offices be it in the assembling, business associations or oil rigs. The severe utilization of the course have help create items, for example, polymers, plastics, petrochemicals, even the food that we eat. Compound building essentially contacts everything that we utilize and devour on the grounds that it is the study of changing over a crude material into another helpful structure through substance response. Synthetic building major may not be a simple major to take since it requires a strong establishment in math and science. It requires a strong establishment in common sciences, for example, science and material science just as life sciences, for example, science, and natural chemistry which clarifies why it covers a great deal of utilization. Taking the course anyway is compensating a direct result of the numerous fields that one can rehearse the calling. It isn't just restricted to designing yet additionally incorporates different fields from building, financial matters to business that huge numbers of top administrators today have concoction designing as their scholarly foundation on account of the numerous utilizations of the course in the expert field. In the event that one needs to be valuable and contribute more to society, compound designing is the correct course for one to take. Its commitment to society and our day by day lives must be envisioned if substance designing as a course didn't exist. Without concoction designing, we would have returned to the stone age where we would not realize how to tackle our crude materials into helpful
Friday, August 21, 2020
Caring for our elders longer at home Research Paper
Thinking about our seniors longer at home - Research Paper Example In the 21st century, where each individual is carrying on with a bustling life plan, thinking about seniors has come out as a dependable employment to oversee. The obligation is brought onto the consideration organizations, which attempt to bring compelling and proficient consideration for seniors present at home. There are various difficulties, which care offices face during sorting out consideration for seniors. The most conspicuous test for them is the multi-culture, which segregates race, social class, culture and ethnicity of the older folks during the administration (Watson, 2011). This paper understanding the issues of care suppliers is investigating the instance of an organization, which gives locally established consideration administration to older folks. The goal here is to comprehend the philosophy of the organization (the senior caring office), its vision and crucial serve older folks of society. The point here is to comprehend and assess the status of the organization as far as the models and systems of senior consideration introduced in the writing. There are a few organizations in Georgia State, which are arranged to give viable consideration to older folks at home. Georgia Living At Home (GLAH) is one of those effective organizations, which give a wide range of non-clinical consideration administrations to seniors. The organization is fruitful in giving full friendship and backing to older folks present at homes. The administrations of GLAH incorporate dinner readiness, transportation, medicine updates, and full consideration help to older folks. The office gives in home administrations to seniors, which is for solace and simplicity of the older folks. GLAH gazes upward onto completely participate with the clients’ families and their choices. The organization participates and directs families to bring care they wanted for their seniors. This is the means by which GLAH keeps an unmistakable position and regard in the Georgia elders’ network (Haeg, 2013). Jean Watson (a well known American Nursing Professor) first proposed the hypothesis of human mindful. This hypothesis expresses that mindful procedure includes distinctive compulsory and good
Saturday, August 8, 2020
A Battle Scene to Remember
A Battle Scene to Remember This semester has definitely been a rough one, especially around this time of the year. Flags for classes are being handed out for those of us who are struggling extraordinarily well, and some of us (at least I hope its not just me) are staying up way too late to finish projects and do work at the loss of self-care and health. However, amidst the chaos of classes and ridiculous amount of stress bestowed among the students here at MIT, some of the students decided that they felt particularly passionate about an event that occured on Friday. This past Friday, the First of November, was the release of the movie associated with the Enders Game series by Orson Scott Card. Unlike many of the MIT students that I know, I have not read the series, but I am aware that this movie is supposed to be really great and that it was going to be out in theaters sometime soon. Therefore, on my way to get Frozen Yogurt on Saturday, I was super excited and impressed to find Killian Court decorated with beautiful banners, showcasing the different armies of Enders Game Griffin, Dragon, and Tiger. Photos taken by Hairuo G. 17 As my friend Lauren S. 16 and I continued on our way to get Frozen Yogurt, we came across the actual battle scene in Lobby 7, and it was incredible. Photos taken by Hairuo G. 17 As you can see, the area in Lobby 7 that was normally cut off due to the construction being done on the skylight of the Lobby 7 dome was cautioned off from the public due to a battle scene between the different armies, with soldiers all over Lobby 7. They were hung from the ceiling, suspended over the construction zone and spread out over the floor and on the pedestals. It was beautifully organized and very well put together! I love waking up in the morning after a terribly stressful week to a new hack by MIT students. Sometimes MIT can seem like a really terrible place, but taking a look at this remarkable piece of artwork strategically placed around campus reminds me that this is where I belong, among the crazy people who come up with these awesome ideas, and that I really do look forward to staying here through the next three years. Also, MIT lets us have stress-relieving mice-catching cats!
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
The new discipline of International Companies - Free Essay Example
International business is a relatively new discipline, it is very dynamic. Customization and price from the low-cost production base from the competition in international competitors, the competitive pressure on the local challenges of international companies. These companies make a choice between a standardized product to the location of the lower manufacturing costs and the cost advantage through customer and the establishment if customized products plants in different countries, no matter which may involve high cost. (International Business, 2010) International marketing is usually not as simple as marketing. The product is more than one country. This is the performance of commercial activities, direct the flow of goods and services companies in several countries, the consumers or users profitnternational marketing. In this case, this is the concept of planning and execution, pricing, promotion, and of ideas, goods and services, distribution, create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals in the process include multinational companies. Furthermore, companies must consider their position in the market is close to the language barrier, ideals, and customs. This strategy uses a state in a strong domestic technology used in the promotion. (International Marketing, 2010) International business is a relatively new discipline, it is very dynamic. International business is different, because of domestic enterprises from the political system, economic system, legal system and cultural differences any be in any country. Political system is the system of gove rnment in a nation. Political system can be assessed according to two related dimension which are collectivism opposed individualism moreover democracy and totalitarianism. These dimensions are interrelated because the systems that emphasize collectivism tend to be totalitarian while systems that place a high value on individualism tend to be democratic. The term collectivism refers to a system that stresses the primacy of collective goals over individual goals. Individualism is the opposite of collectivism. In political sense, individualism refers to a philosophy that an individual should have freedom in his or her economic and political pursuits. Democracy and totalitarianism in the political level, for different purposes. Democracy is a political system is the peoples government, to exercise directly or through elected representatives. Its a totalitarian form of government in which political parties exercise one or all areas of human life, absolute control, opposition parti es were banned. Political system may be affect International business because of different function play role in political system performance, democratic and totalitarian political regimes was compared and how its can influence the managerial functions. (The Political and Legal Environment Facing Business, 2010) Economic Economic system can be identified into three broad of types which are market economy, a command economy and a mixed economy. In a pure market economy, the goods and services a country produces, and the quantity in which they are produced, is not planned by anyone. It is determined by the interaction of supply and demand and signaled to producers through the price system. If demand for a product exceeds supply, prices will rise, signaling producers to produce more. If supply exceeds demand, prices will fall, signaling producers to produce less. In this system consumers are sovereign. It is the purchasing patterns of consumers, as signaled to producers thr ough the mechanism of the price system, that determines what is produced and in what quantity. In a pure command economy, the goods and services that a country produces, the quantity in which they are produced, and the prices at which they are sold, are all planned by the government. Consistent with the collectivist ideology, the objective of a command economy is for government to allocate resources for the good of society. In between market economies and command economies can be found mixed economies. In a mixed economy, certain sectors of the economy are left to private ownership and free market mechanisms, while in other sectors there is significant state ownership and government planning. In general, the more developed countries are rich countries, poor countries with less developed and newly industrialized those who move from poverty to prosperity.  These differences are usually in the per capita gross domestic product (GDP / per capita) basis. With better educ ation, infrastructure, technology, health care, etc., are often related to their higher level of economic development may be affected international business. (IHYPERLINK HYPERLINK, 2010) Legal system A countrys legal system or legal system of rules is accompanied by a specification which countrys laws are enforced through the complaint process and the behavior of a remedy. Property refers to the use of resources is a bundle of legal rights and more than any possible gains achieved by the use of resources. In International business, the countries differ in terms of how their legal system define and protect prope rty rights. Property rights can be violated through private actions and public actions. Contract is a document that took place under the conditions and details of the exchange of rights and responsibilities of the parties. Contract law is the law of the institution, governing the contract execution. The different types of legal systems and the legal relationships that exist between countries may be affected International business. If a behavior is not good, it may direct affect the relationship between each other, so in International business also same. The major legal issue is also very important for International business. While the legal issue is occurs, the problem need to be solved. (The Political and Legal Environment Facing Business, 2010 ) Culture Culture is a values and norms. Values can be refers to an abstract ideas about what a group believes to be good, right, and desirable. Norms can be defined as the social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations. Values and norms are shared by the society. Society refers to a group of people who share a common set of values and norms. Language is the source of culture may be affect International business. Language is one of the way how the people communicate with each other. Different countries speak in the different languages. For example, Mexicos people speak Spanish, if Malaysia and Mexico do International business, Malaysian need to know how to speak Spanish, so that they can communicate with each other. International Marketing The marketing mix will affect in the international marketing. The marketing mix consists of 4Ps which is product, price, place and promotion. The 4Ps are the parameter; the marketing manager can control, subject to market conditions, internal and external constraints. The goal is to make the decision in the center of the 4Ps target markets cognitive customers to create assessment and produce an optimistic reaction. If the input costs, pricing, advertising and distribution may be in different countries, selection of a company to sell their goods or services significantly common marketing problems. Therefore argued that the key to a successful business consultant international marketing of any business. Whether it is a multinational company or small start-up companies, it is the ability to adapt, manage and coordinate in a strange foreign environment, well-designed plan. Product Product is the physical product or service offered to the consumer. Product is a material product or service to the consumer. In the case of physical products, it is also means that any services or facilities, is part of this release. These examples are the brand name, function, shape, quantity, safety, packaging, maintenance and support, warranty, accessories and services. Language should be consider whether the national culture is not primarily a high-context cultures and low context culture between the concepts involved in verbal and nonverbal communication balance. It carries the low-context culture and language of communication focus. However, the high-context culture and language is often not the direct exchange of information. Religion in the international marketing is different from religions which may be encountered. Companies need to ensure that their products and services are not offensive, illegal or offensive to the local country. This includes marketing and branding. Values and attitudes between countries and even within countries are different. I n addition, the adoption of a product or service overseas, to ensure a good grasp of the locality before entering the market. This means that subtle changes in materials or branding message. There may also have a problem, when the management of local staff. For example, workers in France tend to have vacation for the whole month of August, but for the United States, they prefer to take a couple of weeks for vacation throughout the whole year. Price Pricing decisions should take into account the profits and the possible reaction of competitors pricing. Pricing includes not only pricing, but also discounts, financing, leasing and other options. For example for price, pricing strategies, the suggested retail price, quantity discounts and wholesale prices, cash and early payment discounts, seasonal pricing, bundling, price elasticity and price discrimination. Place The decision is to place those with the distribution channels for products as a means to target the customers. For example placing decision-making is sales channels, market coverage, the specific channel members, inventory management, warehousing, distribution center, order processing, transport and reverse logistics. Promotion Promotion decisions are the relationship between sales and communications to potential consumers. As the cost price in a large fraction of products, break-even analysis, decision-making should be promoted. This is very useful to know the assessment of customers to establish whether they should be more customer acquisition costs. For example of promotion is a promotional strategy for promotion decisions, advertising, personal selling and sales promoters, public relations and publicity and marketing communications budget. In the year of 2007, the pig year, all advertising, including the pig image is prohibited for one year. This is to maintain the countrys Muslim population of about 2% of the harmony. The ban included with pork sausage, or even advertisement, including animated images of pigs. Each level of education and international markets will naturally be different. This may affect the type of message, and even the media you employ. For example, in countries with low literacy levels, advertisers will avoid a written copy of the communication depends upon, and in favor of the billboard with the audio information or visual media such as radio advertising. The labeling of products may also be a problem. Conclusion To made the International business to be successful, we need to know how political system, economic system, legal system and cultural affect the International business. Moreover, we also need to know how political system, economic system, legal system and cultural affect the product, price, promotion and place.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Improving Students With Math Difficulties - 1165 Words
Performing poorly in mathematics has dire future outcomes. This is particularly true for students. with math difficulties. â€Å"Good numeracy is essential in helping our children learn., As students, understanding information makes sense of statistics and economic news which is essential in today’s society. Decisions in life are often based on numerical information: to make the best choices, we need to be numerate†. Poor numeracy is a problem for students who struggle to use numbers. Numeracy complements literacy and is sometimes called ‘mathematical literacy. Teachers should apply a universal design for learning to mediate the language demands of mathematics. ( Reading Writing Quarterly, 31(3), 207-234). Communication is exchanging information using symbols, signs, and/or behavior (â€Å"Communication,†2015), to evaluate their peers contributions. In their Research in practice book Stars Are Made Of Glass: Children as capable and creative communicators (2010), Leonie Arthur, Felicity McArdle and Marina Papic: and provide valuable definitions by examples of the elements that comprise ‘numeracy’: (p. 7) Spatial understandings include two and three-dimensional shapes, position (under, over), location (near, far) and orientation (turn, roll). (p. 7). Measurement understandings include concepts such as height, length, mass and temperature. (p. 8) Predicting and estimating involve using ‘data’ or information to suggest, for example, which object will be fastest, or which will sink.Show MoreRelatedEffective Reading Interventions For Kids With Learning Disabilities1404 Words  | 6 Pagesimprove the learning capabilities of students with learning deficits. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Was Public Health Better in the Roman Era or the Middle Ages
In my opinion, the Romans had superior public health, as they had much better sanitation and plumbing systems, which were in the Middle Ages available solely in monasteries, rather than entire towns. This was due to the fact that the Romans infrastructure and methods of treatment were more developed than Medieval ones, as well as the fact that the Roman government were far more involved in the health of their citizens than later rulers, who found war and developing trade far more important, and viewed civilians health as their own responsibility. The Roman towns were also much better planned and built than those in the Middle Ages, which often placed wells and sources of drinking and bathing water in close proximity to cesspits and†¦show more content†¦However, the Roman Empire was also poorly equipped to deal with plagues, such as the one which occurred in AD 80, and claimed hundreds of lives. However, public health in the Middle Ages did have some benefits: the towns often employed people such as gong farmers and muck rakers to survey and clean the streets to prevent disease, and remove sewage, although it was not possible to employ enough to maintain the cleanliness. The Romans had a similar system which worked to much greater advantage. Medieval towns also developed regulations and fines for littering and dirtying the streets, although these could not be easily enforced. As well as this, the rich were happy to pay the fines and continue to deposit refuse in the streets. Moreover, near the end of the Dark Ages, butchers were banned from working in the inner city, which prevented pollution and assisted in keeping the streets clean. In conclusion, I believe that public health was much better under Roman rule, although the Medieval government did endeavour to improve the situation (albeit without much success.) This is further evidenced by the average lifeShow MoreRelatedProgressives And The Progressive Era1253 Words  | 6 PagesThe progressive Era was times in History were local state and federal government took a leap forward in power and activism. In addition, the progressive era, was a time of development of new reforms and changes for America. Progressivism handles a wide range of problems and struggle for America. Such problems were created by unstructed industrialization, urbanization and immigration. As well as, the unfavorable distribution of power and wealth. Progressives believed strongly that problems such asRead MoreDifferent Philosophies And New Discoveries Have Created A Foundation That All Nurses Work1339 Words  | 6 Pageshave one thing in common, taking care of ones in need. History goes back to the classical era where Egyptians were known to have remedies that would cure sickness with the use of lizard’s blood, swine’s ear, putrid meat and fat, milk of lactating women, and excreta of donkeys and lions (Masters, 2014). In this time, experiencing illness was a punishment for some act of sin (masters, 2014). The Greek Era, brought treatment of sickness rather than viewing sickness as a punishment of a sin (MasterRead MoreEssay about Life and Death in The Middle Ages1456 Words  | 6 Pagesliving conditions. In past centuries the average lifespan was shorten due to economic situations such as famine, starvation, infections disease, and even death. In medieval time food and feasting were great past times. The extent to which the people of this time period could enjoy the variety of food we enjoy today, as well as many other aspects of medieval life depended on a person wealth and station in life (Nimocks). The eating schedule was similar involving three meals. The schedule consistedRead MoreThe Roman Law2088 Words  | 9 PagesLastly the last political piece to mention would be the Roman Law. This covers Rome s judicial system over the course of the empire. With this system, philosophy and the study of law became most prevalent. In today s world this system is no longer used however pieces linger on in judicial systems now. At Law school, you need to learn Roman Law in order to better understand judicial legal systems currently. Roman Law, like most Roman concepts are continually borrowed and altered throughout historyRead MoreThe English Renaissance : The Golden Age1861 Words  | 8 Pages Mrs. Robinson English 4 June 5 , 2015 The English Renaissance The English Renaissance, often known as the â€Å"Golden Age†, reflected the rebuild and change of the era prior to it. It was a cultural and artistic movement beginning in the late 15th century and lasted until the 17th century. The English Renaissance was a powerful, inspiring and known as the greatest era of British history being held for the success of literary, cultural and scientific inventions that signaled expanded new ideasRead MoreAncient Greece s Influence On The Life Of The Greek Peoples1898 Words  | 8 Pagestheir medical knowledge. Ancient Greece was steeped in mythology, such that, no matter what went on in the world around them, it was explained as having something to do with one god or the other. Unless it concerned medicine. The physicians of that time looked toward a natural reason why an illness would happen to someone, instead of saying a god caused it to happen. Around the time of the sixth century B.C., people would visit an asciepeion, which was an ancient Greece healing temple, ran byRead MoreHistory of Punishment2331 Words  | 10 PagesHistory of Corrections †¢ Codified punishment for offenders was developed in the early ages of human history. †¢ One of the earliest known written codes that specified different types of offenses and punishments was the Code of Hammurabi in 1750 B.C. The Code of Hammurabi was divided into sections to cover different types of offenses and contained descriptions of the punishments to be imposed to offenders. †¢ The Draconian Code was developed in classical Greece in the seventh century BRead MoreTaking a Look at Pharmacists2543 Words  | 10 Pages Pharmacy is an essential part of modern day health care. Pharmacists today are well trained, highly skilled and easily accessible to the public. However, pharmacy was not always as convenient and advanced as it currently is today. Since the times of prehistoric man, pharmacy has evolved greatly over the years and has become a safer, more efficient and more important part of society. There are still many opinions about pharmacy’s origin because many theories are based on logic and analogies ratherRead MoreThe Historical Development Of Nursing1978 Words  | 8 Pagesby the healing traditions of religion and magic as well as something guided by instinct and affection, would continue to linger at the time of the Middle Ages. In the Roman Empire, the Hellenic Medicine arising independently of other health culture on the basis of the Christian religion arises. Christianity had its influences in the early nursing as was the feeling helps the patient and thus the creation of institutions dedicated to this as a religious duty, equal treatment should be no differencesRead MoreAdvancements in the Roman Empire Compared to that of the Han Dynasty2165 Words  | 9 Pagesin an ocean; however, most of them are forgotten to this day because of their insignificant impact. The Roman and Chinese Empires were established like any other civilization, but rose to power th rough proper governing of the people. They later became so successful that they emulated one another in different fields of culture. The Han Dynasty was one of many dynasties in ancient China and it was able to change the outlook on society because of its radical and novel ideology based on Confucianism.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Social Media Activism, Centered On Police Brutality
Has Social Media Activism, Centered On Police Brutality in African-American Communities Producing Sustainable Change? Simona M. Young University of Southern California Over the last year, the media has done an excellent job in bringing national exposure to the culture of police brutality within African-American communities. Fortunately, social media – alongside the growing accessibility to smartphones – has assisted in bringing these intentional violations to the forefront of the national debate, creating a new form of activism, commonly referred to as social media activism (â€Å"Policing The Police and Prosecuting The Clan, n.d.; Pooly, 2011). However, is this new form of social activism, through social media, producing real, tangible change in the fight against discrimination and social injustices in America? Historically, the driving force behind successful social movements is effective organizing. Most attribute the success of the Civil Rights Movement to the impressionistic images of dramatic confrontations with police dogs and African-Americans people being hosed down with water in the streets, however, it was rooted in a hybr id of extremely intentional efforts, which included civil disobedience, grass roots organizing with intense political mobilization, economic withdrawal, via mass boycotts and sit-ins, and sensational community leaders/activists who are able to evoke intense emotional connections, galvanizing the black community to act inShow MoreRelatedGeographic Departmentalization : An Organization1627 Words  | 7 Pagesdepartmentalization (largely through social media and hashtags) allows the organization and its ‘departments’ to react quickly and (generally) appropriately to the events in a given area. Put another way, geographic departmentalization allows BLM Toronto to handle Toronto-related issues and eventsâ€â€which they are uniquely qualified to do, by virtue of being located in Toronto. In this way, geographic departmentalization prevents BLM from succumbing to an activism form of ‘scope creep,’ such that theyRead MoreThe Black Panther Party Was Created Or iginally In 19661278 Words  | 6 Pagesmission of the BPP was to act as a police force to oversee the actual police force in Oakland, California, which was the place where BPP was originally created. Later on, as the popularity of the group spread, they developed several factions across America. They comprised of armed citizens, who kept an eye on police interactions and dealings with the African Americans in the nation, and their underlying mission was to counter the brutality and racism of the police towards the blacks (David CunninghamRead MoreBlack Panther Party3043 Words  | 13 Pagesabilities helped to founded the Black Panther Party (BPP). Newton played an instrumental role in refocusing civil rights activists to the problems of urban Black communities. He also tapped the rage and frustration of urban Blacks in order to address social injustice. However, the FBIs significant fear of the Partys aggressive actions would not only drive the party apart but also create fal se information regarding the Panthers programs and accomplishments. In recent years, historians have devotedRead MoreChicano Gangs And The Los Angeles3699 Words  | 15 Pagescommunity since the early 1900s. These Chicano gangs consisted of young Mexican-Americans, another name used for Chicanos, which were formed as a way for some youth to identify with something. The behavior of gang members was a way of adapting to the social and economic living situation that was upon them. There was a large migration of Chicano immigrants to the Los Angeles area that resulted in several changes directly related to the larger and present Chicano presence. The most notable being the prominentRead MoreRacial Profiling Essay7678 Words  | 31 PagesOver the past several years, the use of race by law enforcement agencies in their policing activities has received considerable attention across the country. The controversy regarding racial profiling has centered on police departments practices re lated to traffic stopsÂâ€"examining whether police have targeted drivers based on their race or ethnicity. Significant anecdotal evidence has suggested that some departments may be treating drivers of some races or ethnicities differently than white driversRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesperspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)â€â€ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7 (paper : alk. paper)â€â€ISBN 978-1-4399-0271-4 (electronic) 1. History, Modernâ€â€20th century. 2. Twentieth century. 3. Social historyâ€â€20th century. 4. World politicsâ€â€20th century. I. Adas, Michael, 1943– II. American Historical Association. D421.E77 2010 909.82â€â€dc22 2009052961 The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National StandardRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 Pagessystem. But much of the country was beginning to question in earnest the structure of colonial society by the early 1930s. The emergence of Rasta during that period corresponds with so much that was happening around the world. Rastas could tell that social unrest in Jamaica was going to lead to a movement away from colonial rule and, having heard Marcus Garvey speak of the importance of Africa to black people in the New World, found in his remarkable success as a leader of thousands in the UnitedRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesworld? How can companies renew and sustain those factors in the face of the business slowdowns and major fluctuations that challenge the longterm continuation of profitable earnings? As we continue to experience the twenty-first century’s economic, social, and political churning, how will these driving factors be influenced by the brutally competitive global economy in which organizations do not have any particular geographic identity or travel under any particular national passport? What will be the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Immigration Reform The United States - 1889 Words
Immigration Reform in the U.S. The United States of America, a country created by immigrants, is currently facing what some consider to be an immigration crisis. As of 2012, there is over eleven million undocumented illegal aliens living inside the United States. Both the American public and the lawmakers elected to represent us are divided on the issue. Some people view the influx of immigrants crossing over the border from Mexico to America as a good thing while others view it as a disaster waiting to happen. Regardless of ones view on immigrants coming over, most people are in agreement with the idea that we must change the way we are currently dealing with illegal aliens. Although the term â€Å"illegal aliens†has quite a stigma around it, there are many Americans that believe the immigrants coming to our country are doing more good than harm. These immigrants often do not pay an income tax, but everything that they spend their money on is still taxed, so they do add to t he United States tax revenue. Also, they increase the amount of cheap labor available in the states and cause more money to be circulated around in the economy. With companies using this cheap labor, they can use the money they save to sell to a wider market and possible for a cheaper price. This, in theory, could be a very positive outcome of illegal immigration. Along with the possible boosts to the economy that they are believed to provide, they also seem to directly coincide with the idea of theShow MoreRelatedImmigration Reform : The United States1312 Words  | 6 PagesImmigration reform is one of the most controversial topic in the U.S. The Democrats and Republicans are having a tug of war over finding a solution to allowing illegal immigrants grant citizenship and allowing their families to stay in the this country. Just last month, President Obama had a televised executive decision talking about immigration reform. President Obama discussed how the executive decisions li ke providing legal status and work permits for more than 5 million immigrants, making theRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1641 Words  | 7 PagesTutor: Institution: Immigration Reform ​Immigration is defined as the act of leaving your country of origin and going to another different one to stay there permanently ( Reasons, why people escape or leave their original countries, are varied; ranging from war, poverty, natural occurrences such as earthquakes while others just take the step for fun purposes. A reform is a change from the way things were done originally and make them better. Therefore, immigration reform is a term thatRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1397 Words  | 6 PagesIn 1986, the United States enacted The Immigration Reform and Control Act which made it illegal to hire illegal immigrants. This is by far the biggest reform made in recent history. Immigration reform is simply making changes to a country’s immigration policies for the better. It has been a huge and controversial topic since 1986 and even more so when President Obama proposed a reform himself in 2009. According to Obama, this reform w ould improve border enforcement, be stricter on visa overstaysRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1245 Words  | 5 PagesHistorically, immigration as a percentage of the United States population has been far higher in previous years compared to where it is now. Even as far back as 1870, the foreign-born population of the US was 5,567,229 while the US population was 38,558,371, meaning that immigrants were making up approximately 14.4% of the US population. Calculating the immigration percentage in the same way, it was 13.3% in 1880, 14.7% in 1890, 13.6% in 1900, 14.6% in 1910, and 13.1% in 1920, the last year beforeRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1508 Words  | 7 Pagescome to the United States of America for better opportunities, such as employment and reuniting with family. These people are immigrants. However, many people immigrate illegally, meaning they do not comply with proper protocol for becoming a U.S. citizen. Throughout the history of America, reformation of immigration policy has already been implicated in federal law. Presently, immigration reforms are being considered to make it easier for foreigners to start a new life in the United States of AmericaRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1516 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Pelosi said, It is more important to pass comprehensive immigration reform, to me and to my caucus, than to win the election in November†(Foley, 2014). That was what Joe Garcia was trying to accomplish with his policy H.R. 15. The policy did not improve the sponsor’s chances of being reelected because his ideas in the spectrum were more towards the liberal side than the conservative. As Florida being a red state, a Republican candidate won the election. It came down to what party the candidatesRead MoreThe United States Immigration Reform817 Words  | 4 Pages Astou Sow Immigration reform The United States Immigration Reform is specifically targeting the problem of 12 to 20 million undocumented workers in the United States. How would you trust and come out of the shadows if at any point the government changes their minds and deports you. As an immigrant there was times when I felt like I would be deported because of fear from how I got into this country. My dad would always blackmail me and my sisters to do what he wants or he would deport us and heRead MoreImmigration Reform : The United States2057 Words  | 9 PagesImmigration Reform In the United States, citizens are very familiar and concerned about the topic of the Immigration Reform. Based on the research report from Senior Research Associate Pew Hispanic Center, Jeffrey S. Passel predicted around 11 million or more undocumented immigrants in the US in March 2005, which existed more than 6.5 million undocumented Mexicans, up to 57% of the total undocumented population and the Latin American countries are occupied by another 24%. (Passel, 2005) FurthermoreRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1977 Words  | 8 PagesImmigration Reform Has Been a hot topic lately, President Barack Obama has recently used his power of executive order to give protection to some 5 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. The program protects about 5 million immigrants from deportation, and allows them to stay and work here legally. There has been a lot of opposition; republicans believe that the president’s action is unconstitutional, and t hat the president is usurping power from Congress. What the PresidentRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States2199 Words  | 9 Pages2011, it was calculated that over 40 million immigrants lived within the United States (figure 1-1). Among those forty million individuals, a reported 11.1 million are illegal (figure 1-2)1. It is clear that we need to create a plan of attack to address this large number of people living in this country illegally. There are essentially three avenues that we could travel down in order to complete this task. Either the United States could provide an easier path for citizenship for these people, or we could
Advertising and News Environment in Media Communications Free Essays
The advertising and news environments in media communications are catered to the interests of the targeted audience. Companies advertise toys on channels that children watch as a means of influencing them to ask their parents to buy a specific item. Advertisements on a channel that broadcasts programs about the outdoors will have the products that are most interesting to people who enjoy the outdoor experience. We will write a custom essay sample on Advertising and News Environment in Media Communications or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"This language of advertising, although less apparent to communicator and audience alike, is firmly anchored to cultural norms and often says more about a society’s psyche than the more obvious stereotypes of content†(Unwin, 1974, p. 4). The news environment in media communications is often more diversified because people who watch the news often belong to a wider variety of consumers from teenagers to parents. The concept of media planning is important so that the advertisements reach the company’s targeted audience. â€Å"The purpose of media planning is to conceive, analyze, and creatively select channels of communication that will direct advertising messages to the right people in the right place†(Arens, 2009, p. 280). To gain a better understanding about the decision made by the advertising and news environments in the industry of media communications, it is necessary to determine the influence of advertising and news on society. Commercials often focus on introducing a product or service to the public, or providing subliminal messages inspiring brand loyalty whereas the information from a news press release provides vital information about upcoming events to both the internal and external publics of an organization. During the â€Å"Anderson Cooper 360 degrees†talk show, the advertisements seemed to focus on regular advertisements, but one of the major focuses was cellular devices. This segment covered the latest information available on the George Zimmerman, Treyvon Martin case. The controversy associated with the cellular phone calls placed by George Zimmerman and Treyvon Martin prompted cellular companies to attempt to capitalize on the focus of cellular phones. The most dominant advertising force during the program was the computer and electronic device giant Apple Inc. The iPhone 5 advertisement’s intentions were to continue to establish the Iphone as the best option for smart phone users. In June 2007, the Apple Corporation released one of the newest smart phones with the intentions of crushing the efforts of its competition including the creators of the Blackberry and Android cellular phones. The targeted audience was cellular customers who wanted more from their smart phones. The ad reads â€Å"Touching is believing†encouraging people to enjoy the benefits of a cellular phone, iPod, and computer compatible with Apple computers both laptops and desktops. The effect of the advertisement is intended to spark interest in its targeted audience and continues to establish brand loyalty during this cellular phone revolution. The commercial that ran almost every commercial break implies that at this point nothing else matters but trying the new iPhone 5, upgrading a person’s cellular phone experience, and an attempt to divert the attention of one of the newest cellular devices, the Galaxy S4. The advertisements for the Galaxy S4 focused on the phone’s ability to send messages, search the Internet, and use social networking websites during on a phone call. Was this another subliminal message that focused on the phone conversation that Treyvon Martin was on during the altercation ? If he had a better phone could he have altered someone about the guy following him before it was too late. Regardless of the intentions, specific, or indirect, of the Galaxy S4 the actions influenced by the agenda setting theory used by the company focused on the differences between the Galaxy S4 and the iPhone. These differences are often the determining factor between why a person picks one product over another. Even though an issue in the George Zimmerman case was the issue of the cellular phone conversation, the majority of the commercials were not directly related to the news story contained in the program. The news environment associated with the program â€Å"Anderson Cooper 360 degrees†, focused on the objectivity of the jury on the evidence presented in the case. The information presented had a balanced approach to the situation because some guests sided with the family of the victim whereas others were focused on the issue of self-defense. This balanced pproach questioned issues such as sensationalism, persuasion, and journalistic ethics. Because this case is a sensitive subject sparking questions of racial profiling, self-defense, and the protocol of a neighborhood watchman there were many issues intended to catch the attention of the audience. One area of focus were the laws associated with self-defense in the state of Florida. â€Å"These laws, commonly referred to as castle laws, stand-your-ground laws, or shoot first, ask questions later laws, have the common feature of strengthening legal protections for those use deadly force in self-defense†(Holliday, 2012, p. 07, para. 1). The â€Å"shoot first, ask questions later†approach of George Zimmerman was criticized because of the recording of the phone call where the 9-11 operator told Zimmerman not to follow the individual. One of the major points of Anderson Cooper was that even though George Zimmerman had the right to protect himself, he was instructed to leave the situation alone because a police unit was on the way to investigate the so-called suspicious individual. Had Mr. Zimmerman followed the instructions he would have been in a situation in which he believed he had to defend himself. CNN’s program, â€Å"Anderson Cooper 360 degrees†focused on the sensitive elements and evidence associated with the George Zimmerman case. The program touched on the areas of objectivity, persuasion, sensationalism, and self-defense. The commercials had an indirect association with the information provided in the program. The frequent advertising of cellular devices was a subliminal tactic to establish brand loyalty, and make users question, or appreciate their current cellular phone carriers. However, outside the phone conversations held by Treyvon Martin with a friend, and George Zimmerman with the 9-11 operator the commercials during the program were random focusing on the average audience member’s interest. The news environment portrayed a surprising balance of opinions whereas the guests focused on the facts, laws, and any situational analysis conducted on the evidence available for the George Zimmerman case. The influence of advertising and news on society has a general approach with subliminal sodalities. How to cite Advertising and News Environment in Media Communications, Papers
Advertising and News Environment in Media Communications Free Essays
The advertising and news environments in media communications are catered to the interests of the targeted audience. Companies advertise toys on channels that children watch as a means of influencing them to ask their parents to buy a specific item. Advertisements on a channel that broadcasts programs about the outdoors will have the products that are most interesting to people who enjoy the outdoor experience. We will write a custom essay sample on Advertising and News Environment in Media Communications or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"This language of advertising, although less apparent to communicator and audience alike, is firmly anchored to cultural norms and often says more about a society’s psyche than the more obvious stereotypes of content†(Unwin, 1974, p. 4). The news environment in media communications is often more diversified because people who watch the news often belong to a wider variety of consumers from teenagers to parents. The concept of media planning is important so that the advertisements reach the company’s targeted audience. â€Å"The purpose of media planning is to conceive, analyze, and creatively select channels of communication that will direct advertising messages to the right people in the right place†(Arens, 2009, p. 280). To gain a better understanding about the decision made by the advertising and news environments in the industry of media communications, it is necessary to determine the influence of advertising and news on society. Commercials often focus on introducing a product or service to the public, or providing subliminal messages inspiring brand loyalty whereas the information from a news press release provides vital information about upcoming events to both the internal and external publics of an organization. During the â€Å"Anderson Cooper 360 degrees†talk show, the advertisements seemed to focus on regular advertisements, but one of the major focuses was cellular devices. This segment covered the latest information available on the George Zimmerman, Treyvon Martin case. The controversy associated with the cellular phone calls placed by George Zimmerman and Treyvon Martin prompted cellular companies to attempt to capitalize on the focus of cellular phones. The most dominant advertising force during the program was the computer and electronic device giant Apple Inc. The iPhone 5 advertisement’s intentions were to continue to establish the Iphone as the best option for smart phone users. In June 2007, the Apple Corporation released one of the newest smart phones with the intentions of crushing the efforts of its competition including the creators of the Blackberry and Android cellular phones. The targeted audience was cellular customers who wanted more from their smart phones. The ad reads â€Å"Touching is believing†encouraging people to enjoy the benefits of a cellular phone, iPod, and computer compatible with Apple computers both laptops and desktops. The effect of the advertisement is intended to spark interest in its targeted audience and continues to establish brand loyalty during this cellular phone revolution. The commercial that ran almost every commercial break implies that at this point nothing else matters but trying the new iPhone 5, upgrading a person’s cellular phone experience, and an attempt to divert the attention of one of the newest cellular devices, the Galaxy S4. The advertisements for the Galaxy S4 focused on the phone’s ability to send messages, search the Internet, and use social networking websites during on a phone call. Was this another subliminal message that focused on the phone conversation that Treyvon Martin was on during the altercation ? If he had a better phone could he have altered someone about the guy following him before it was too late. Regardless of the intentions, specific, or indirect, of the Galaxy S4 the actions influenced by the agenda setting theory used by the company focused on the differences between the Galaxy S4 and the iPhone. These differences are often the determining factor between why a person picks one product over another. Even though an issue in the George Zimmerman case was the issue of the cellular phone conversation, the majority of the commercials were not directly related to the news story contained in the program. The news environment associated with the program â€Å"Anderson Cooper 360 degrees†, focused on the objectivity of the jury on the evidence presented in the case. The information presented had a balanced approach to the situation because some guests sided with the family of the victim whereas others were focused on the issue of self-defense. This balanced pproach questioned issues such as sensationalism, persuasion, and journalistic ethics. Because this case is a sensitive subject sparking questions of racial profiling, self-defense, and the protocol of a neighborhood watchman there were many issues intended to catch the attention of the audience. One area of focus were the laws associated with self-defense in the state of Florida. â€Å"These laws, commonly referred to as castle laws, stand-your-ground laws, or shoot first, ask questions later laws, have the common feature of strengthening legal protections for those use deadly force in self-defense†(Holliday, 2012, p. 07, para. 1). The â€Å"shoot first, ask questions later†approach of George Zimmerman was criticized because of the recording of the phone call where the 9-11 operator told Zimmerman not to follow the individual. One of the major points of Anderson Cooper was that even though George Zimmerman had the right to protect himself, he was instructed to leave the situation alone because a police unit was on the way to investigate the so-called suspicious individual. Had Mr. Zimmerman followed the instructions he would have been in a situation in which he believed he had to defend himself. CNN’s program, â€Å"Anderson Cooper 360 degrees†focused on the sensitive elements and evidence associated with the George Zimmerman case. The program touched on the areas of objectivity, persuasion, sensationalism, and self-defense. The commercials had an indirect association with the information provided in the program. The frequent advertising of cellular devices was a subliminal tactic to establish brand loyalty, and make users question, or appreciate their current cellular phone carriers. However, outside the phone conversations held by Treyvon Martin with a friend, and George Zimmerman with the 9-11 operator the commercials during the program were random focusing on the average audience member’s interest. The news environment portrayed a surprising balance of opinions whereas the guests focused on the facts, laws, and any situational analysis conducted on the evidence available for the George Zimmerman case. The influence of advertising and news on society has a general approach with subliminal sodalities. How to cite Advertising and News Environment in Media Communications, Papers
Communication Channels Paper free essay sample
Communication Channels Paper BY enn1980 HCS/320 Judd Shank Erin Griffin August 23, 2010 Communication is split into two parts one being the message or content and the channel its transmitted on. For example, you may want to communicate something about your emotional state, lets say you are happy. You can communicate that over a variety of channels. They are writing a letter, sending an email, communicate it non- verbally or para-verbally, tape recording, etc. , of how excited you are. The way health care organizations disseminated health information internally are in a variety of ways. The varieties of ways are memos, emails, letters, and telephone, and person to person. Health care organizations also disseminate health information externally as well. The varieties of ways externally are telephones, letters, email and memos, and person to person. What is important is that the different communication channels have different strengths and weaknesses (Bascal Associates, 2008). The ways health care organizations disseminate health information internally are in a variety of ways. Internally in an organization there are many different ways each member of staff is disseminating health information to patients and other staff embers. A staff member would not speak to a patient the same way they would another staff member. A patient might not understand some of the medical terminology as another staff member would. The key to finding the Joy in practicing medicine lies in communicating with patients about their whole being rather than just focusing on their ailments, says dermatologist Steve Shama, M. D. (Gagnon, 2004). Staff in health care organizations also communicates via email, memos, and letters and on tape. Doctors would more than likely send emails and on tape as well to other doctors about patients diagnosis and prognosis. Memos are generally used from igher department heads to lower department staffing for a reminder about meetings or any other information from department to department. The success of health care delivery depends greatly upon open channels of communication between the health care provider and the patient (Diaz-Duque, 1989). To compare and contrast the variety of channels communication is passed internally and externally. Health care organizations use technology a lot to dispense their communication internally and externally. Clinics and hospitals use the intra-net which is the internet through only that organization for some of the employees. Certain computers do not have internet but are able to use the intra- net through the organization. Clinics and hospitals use this type of communication to pass on reminders, memos, letters, directions and etc. o other employees within the organization. Communications can be facilitated by technology. Healthcare providers organize practices, hospitals, and nursing homes have tremendous needs to effectively communicate their organizations and between their organizations. The focus on electronic medical reduce administrative costs and to improve services and quality of care to patients. Frustration with the inadequacies of a paper chart-filing system drives providers in all delivery venues toward technology at an increase rate. Implementation barriers to technology adoption in medical practices can be overcome by incremental approaches and knowledge- transfer assistance from affiliated community healthcare partners such as hospitals (Nelson, 2005). Using the intra-net or even the internet throughout organizations is more beneficial then mailing their correspondence because the intra-net or internet is there within minutes compared to a regular letter or other type of correspondence from one rganization or person to the next that could take days or even weeks depending on where it is being sent to. Another channel organizations use internally and externally is a telephone. Clinics and hospitals use telephones by receiving and calling patients, pharmacies, other medical staff, and the general public for other reasons. Using this type of channel clinics and organizations could run into the problem that the phone number is disconnected or change of number of the other business or person they are calling. Fax machines are another channel of communication through many organizations of health care. Nursing homes use fax machines a lot to pass communication to pharmacies, physicians, and labs. Mainly fax machines are used for their own business purposes and not to fax other patient information over to other places. Faxes are another form of communication that is instantly received and sent to the respondent. Is there room for improvements for communication within organizations? Yes, there is room for improvements for communication within organizations. I believe that all hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics should go to the Electronic Medical Records. They are more beneficial to the staff and even the patients. I feel they are more beneficial to the staff because all the information they need for the patients they are tending too are right there in one spot instead of a bunch of papers in a chart. EMR charts are Just a click there and there is the information for the staff. Also the EMR is beneficial to the patients because a paper could be lost in translation and on the EMR their information can be saved in the observation room right then and there. Electronic medical records can send prescriptions to the pharmacy of the patients choice right there at the appointment of that patient. The computer also gives the staff information of what ype of medication that patient can have if they are expecting a child and more medical situations. It is informational for the staff instead of having to leave the patient until the end of the appointment. Communication is split into two parts one being the message or content and the channel its transmitted on. For example, you may want to communicate something about your emotional state, lets say you are happy. You can communicate that over a variety of channels. They are writing a letter, sending an email, communicate it non-verbally or para-verbally, tape recording, etc. of how excited you are. The way health care organizations disseminated health information internally are in a variety of ways. The varieties of ways are memos, emails, letters, and telephone, and person to person. Health care ways externally are telephones, letters, email and memos, and person to person. Communication has many channels of how it is dispensed to and from other organizations and people in general. It is all how it is used and received. References Bascal Associates. (2008-2010). Communication channels are important, what are communication channels and why are they important.
Friday, May 1, 2020
BCP and Disaster Recovery Plan †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the BCP and Disaster Recovery Plan. Answer: Introduction Security has been evolved for the long term to be in the standard terror that aims to have more than the cloud investments while the observations is been made on the improvements been made on the security. Checking to the public cloud security, the observations and ideas been made and are improving towards the security and stopping it form the malicious activities. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) usually aims to provide the virtualised computing resources over the internet connectivity. It mainly focus on delivering the infrastructure and outsourcing it to provide the security of the data which is been collected from the internet. Keeping the security terms in mind, the data is been violated and making the duplicated data and change the original data keeping all the issues and working on it the company deploying software is to keep the biggest concern about the privacy and the security regarding the issues. Because of all these concerns the organisation is not stopping it from mig ration of the database from 1 platform to another platform (Alhazmi Malaiya, 2013). When the database is been moved to the cloud device the security been shared during the risk with the responsibility which is been provided is to have an appropriate reason for it sometimes the expertise who are working in big industries allow them to increase the sensitivity of the data to the other party i.e. the third party which have the cloud providers to increases and make it difficult for the risk settings through which company keep on making the updating and perform the operations daily (Yang Jia, 2013). Once the database is been moved in to the IaaS instance in the cloud, the level of security is been increased into the cloud services. But for maintaining the security in the cloud the most important thing is to keep in the mind i.e. the budgeting of the security on the public cloud station which is totally different from the other platforms which generally have the other way of differentiating and preventing it from the risks. The most fundamental method which is being used from prevention is that the provider uses the shared responsibility models which mainly aim to spread the risks between the sellers and the potential buyers. Generally it happens that the customers generally dont buy the products and the equipments which are similar because sometimes the issue is been raised between the security in the cloud and the data canters (Xiao Xiao, 2013). Budgeting and taking the preventions in the security in the public cloud generally start from the applications that have the various infrastructure components that are existed, like serving of the documents, hosting a website, etc. In IaaS providers tend to allow the main responsibility which is to be provided to the customers. The benefits and issues that would be the result of your deployment of these security measures are- That is basically prevents from reducing the total infrastructure costs, it basically provides the group off virtual machines which are being hosting on the track. This basically helps the organisation in serving on a large scale of the servers, capacity of the storage, network connections, load balancing, etc. It tends to reduce the capital IT investments and the expenditures. The main benefits are: Maximising of the Resources with the Minimal Investments Increasability of the speed in the market Advantages to Drive competitive and its innovation Maximising Flexibility. Reduces various connectivity to the entry and reduce barriers for the large data centers (Wei, et al., 2014). The risks associated with migrating this mission critical database to the cloud The Database- Generally cloud environment generally faces the threats which are being placed as the corporate traditional corporate networks. This threat is mainly occur when the data is been violated from the one source to another source it generally happens because of the large amount of the data being stored in the networks on the cloud servers (Wei, et al., 2014). This tends to damage the sensitivity of the data which is been exposed. The IaaS infrastructure- It is essential to have a large storage i.e. should be cloud based storage service which requires the more demanding and usability of an application should be secured more so as to tolerate best hosted application services. The communications between Webbs and their IaaS database in the cloud- Insufficiency in the network based in the virtual networks and the tailoring with the accessibility to the web and to the IaaS database it generally have the limited accessibility to the networks infrastructure and IP based controls and network standards and it various zones are not applied usually (SILVA, 2016). Risks and the issues associated with the backing up of data on cloud computing: Confidentiality: The risk of unauthorised access to the data is called as the risk of confidentiality information is one of the vital assets of any organisation. And hence keeping the sensitive information confidential is critical for any organisation. As it is a general fact that clouds operates on the public networks it is more prone to cyber-crimes like data leakage, internet terrorism etc. When the data is moved on online platforms the hackers or the intruder seeks to decrypt the confidential data of the company so as to gain access to the companys confidential and sensitive data (Rong, Nguyen Jaatun, 2013). Integrity: The risk of integrity the risk of unauthorized alternations and modification of highly relevant information of the company. Data saved on the online platform can be safeguarded from the issues of data loss and damage through the use of tight data controls. However, even information saved on online mode i.e. the cloud is vulnerable to risks of data cracking, data hacking and other cyber-crime etc. the hackers of the information are discovering new techniques to have gain unauthorised access to the sensitive data of the company so that they can alter it by adding deleting or modifying the critical information of the company (Pearson, 2013). Standardisation risk: This risk occurs because the cloud system is not standardised. The cloud solutions are not all uniform as the vendors or the cloud service provider sets out different protocols to provide the services like backup and recovery plans of important data of company. Provider often has different opinion as to what is relevant and important when the issues of back-up and recovery provision arise (Rittinghouse Ransome, 2016). Connectivity: The proper working of internet network is the must for migrating the important data of the company to online modes and hence network issues imposes the risk of outage where the data can be stuck or get corrupted in between due to the improper network connectivity. Loss of data control: When the data is saved on premise platforms the business managers have full control over their important data but when the critical information is transferred to the public clouds the owners of the information may have to face the risk of loss of control over their own data (Khoshkholghi, 2014). Issues of data storage on cloud platforms Data privacy: The cloud platforms although are the cheap source of information safeguarding however due to the huge public network on the cloud system it is difficult for the cloud service providers to prevent the risk of hacking or cracking of data that is stored on the clouds. As cloud computing offers the cost effective and easily manageable infrastructure the users of cloud computing services are increasing day by day and due to the high access of cloud computing system by the users it is difficult for the cloud service vendors to control the risk of unauthorised access or data stealing (Kavis, 2014). Data recovery: Cloud services are often used by the businesses to get their critical data safeguarded from the risks and uncertainties of data corruption or data loss. Cloud computing enables the users to secure their data from those risks and uncertainties by providing the back-up services. However with the increased users of cloud services the cloud traffic is growing rapidly with each passing day therefore the cloud users have to face issues like slow data recovery or sometimes the data is recovered by the unauthorised persons without the actual users knowledge (Amiri, Cavusoglu Benbasat, 2014). Data backup: With the growing crowd over the cloud service platforms the cost of data back-up services are increasing affecting the cost effectiveness of the backing up features of cloud computing. To store the data as the backup plan the clouds are providing not the reliable storages as the data is highly vulnerable to the risk of unauthorised access (Hashem, et al., 2015). Retrieval of data from the cloud: Time consuming: Once the data is transferred to online modes it may sometimes get cumbersome for the users to take back their data in house as it may involve considerable time due to slow retrieval processes on cloud as a result of heavy users traffic. This process may make the users to wait for enormous time. Complex retrieval processes: The data retrieval sometimes gets complicated due to the involvement of technical issues in the data transfers and thus difficult for the business managers to cope up with the complexities of retrieval processes (Alhazmi Malaiya, 2013). The Webbs has started initialising to use the cloud backups and the DR plans so as to have the top priority of the backup recovery. DRP plans are very essential for the certain reasons which is been used in an organisation. It is essential to plan for the DRP system to continue all the business process in an organisation to simultaneously perform all the business activities which mainly deals with the goods and the services. The clouds initially offer the businesses to the virtual way of storing the large amount of data. It is essential to store all the files and the folders which is been kept at the data centers. Webbs protect access to these services that they are now moving to the Cloud The first thing to recognize the best suitable services that are being in the trend to use the best services for storing and migrating the best possible services for migrating the database to the cloud is so that the data should not be violated or been breached to the other platform and should not continue from preventing it the Webbs uses the (Fox, Patterson Joseph, 2013). Cloud backup and restore infrastructure This process is used to safeguard the business activities and to prevent from the disaster so as to protect the files which are been collected from the website or from the necessary applications needed. This process helps in to quickly access and perform the network operations and to rapidly increase in the restoring of the files when the system gets failed or the file is lost. The main benefits and the features of this software for which the Webbs uses It helps in saving time for easily creating, scheduling and managing of the file-level backups using the control panel. This software is less costly and save money. It helps in securing the organisational data This software is more reliable as comparison to other software It helps in easy way of accessing by the users for restoring the files from the Cloud control Panel. It helps in Customizing the scheduling which helps mainly in taking the backups very frequently. Provides the facility of the File based backups which help in restoring all the files and folders from the system (Almorsy, Grundy Mller, 2016). Conclusion Therefore it can be firmly concluded from the entire research that migration of data can cost severe consequences to the business if proper security measures are not used and implemented in data transferring from physical modes to online modes. In order to ensure the data security the businesses are thus required to critically analyse the potential risks involved in the data migration. Moreover, the business managers are required to make proper recovery plans of data before transferring it online. References Alhazmi, O. H., Malaiya, Y. K. (2013, January). Evaluating disaster recovery plans using the cloud. InReliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2013 Proceedings-Annual(pp. 1-6). IEEE. Almorsy, M., Grundy, J., Mller, I. (2016). An analysis of the cloud computing security problem.arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.01107. Amiri, A. K., Cavusoglu, H., Benbasat, I. (2014). When is IT Unavailability a Strategic Risk?: A Study in the Context of Cloud Computing. Dutta, A., Peng, G. C. A., Choudhary, A. (2013). Risks in enterprise cloud computing: the perspective of IT experts.Journal of Computer Information Systems,53(4), 39-48. Fox, A., Patterson, D. A., Joseph, S. 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Sunday, March 22, 2020
Achievements of the Ancient Greeks essays
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Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Re-Engineering Technique of Lightco Company Essay - 14
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Monday, February 3, 2020
HRM Current Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
HRM Current Issues - Essay Example In this globalised world, an economic problem in one country will not get restricted to that country, but gets spread to other countries. This is what happening today, with the economic recession starting in United States of America, is having a very negative effect all over the world. Many companies are suffering losses and as a result, many employees are losing their jobs. Also, many organizations have quietly cut the salaries and other fringe benefits to their employees. So, the fear that their jobs and salary are at stake and to continue working, the employees are forced to work pushing their limits, leading to stress. With stressed mind, the employees will be hard-pressed to use his/hers physical and mental part, to work effectively for the organization. Stressed mind in the sense, due to the poor match between work load and the capabilities, resources, etc of the worker, the mind of the worker could be become disoriented leading to the damaging of workers biological, psychologi cal or social systems.. Stress is something which can happen to an individual both due to a positive action or change as well as negative action or change. That is, stress can be felt by the employees, if positive actions or changes like promotion, new assignments, new responsibilities, etc happen in his/hers professional life. Also in the same but different way, the employees will become stressed, if he/she faces negative actions or changes both in his/hers professional as well as personal life. The negative events or issues that could trigger stress are unemployment, suspension, failure to meet the targets, pressure, intimidation, abuse, etc from the superior as well as co-workers, divorce, deaths, etc, etc. When the above mentioned negative changes or actions occurs, they will be least expecting it and so they will be unable to handle it. That is, those
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