Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Immigration Reform The United States - 1889 Words
Immigration Reform in the U.S. The United States of America, a country created by immigrants, is currently facing what some consider to be an immigration crisis. As of 2012, there is over eleven million undocumented illegal aliens living inside the United States. Both the American public and the lawmakers elected to represent us are divided on the issue. Some people view the influx of immigrants crossing over the border from Mexico to America as a good thing while others view it as a disaster waiting to happen. Regardless of ones view on immigrants coming over, most people are in agreement with the idea that we must change the way we are currently dealing with illegal aliens. Although the term â€Å"illegal aliens†has quite a stigma around it, there are many Americans that believe the immigrants coming to our country are doing more good than harm. These immigrants often do not pay an income tax, but everything that they spend their money on is still taxed, so they do add to t he United States tax revenue. Also, they increase the amount of cheap labor available in the states and cause more money to be circulated around in the economy. With companies using this cheap labor, they can use the money they save to sell to a wider market and possible for a cheaper price. This, in theory, could be a very positive outcome of illegal immigration. Along with the possible boosts to the economy that they are believed to provide, they also seem to directly coincide with the idea of theShow MoreRelatedImmigration Reform : The United States1312 Words  | 6 PagesImmigration reform is one of the most controversial topic in the U.S. The Democrats and Republicans are having a tug of war over finding a solution to allowing illegal immigrants grant citizenship and allowing their families to stay in the this country. Just last month, President Obama had a televised executive decision talking about immigration reform. President Obama discussed how the executive decisions li ke providing legal status and work permits for more than 5 million immigrants, making theRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1641 Words  | 7 PagesTutor: Institution: Immigration Reform ​Immigration is defined as the act of leaving your country of origin and going to another different one to stay there permanently ( Reasons, why people escape or leave their original countries, are varied; ranging from war, poverty, natural occurrences such as earthquakes while others just take the step for fun purposes. A reform is a change from the way things were done originally and make them better. Therefore, immigration reform is a term thatRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1397 Words  | 6 PagesIn 1986, the United States enacted The Immigration Reform and Control Act which made it illegal to hire illegal immigrants. This is by far the biggest reform made in recent history. Immigration reform is simply making changes to a country’s immigration policies for the better. It has been a huge and controversial topic since 1986 and even more so when President Obama proposed a reform himself in 2009. According to Obama, this reform w ould improve border enforcement, be stricter on visa overstaysRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1245 Words  | 5 PagesHistorically, immigration as a percentage of the United States population has been far higher in previous years compared to where it is now. Even as far back as 1870, the foreign-born population of the US was 5,567,229 while the US population was 38,558,371, meaning that immigrants were making up approximately 14.4% of the US population. Calculating the immigration percentage in the same way, it was 13.3% in 1880, 14.7% in 1890, 13.6% in 1900, 14.6% in 1910, and 13.1% in 1920, the last year beforeRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1508 Words  | 7 Pagescome to the United States of America for better opportunities, such as employment and reuniting with family. These people are immigrants. However, many people immigrate illegally, meaning they do not comply with proper protocol for becoming a U.S. citizen. Throughout the history of America, reformation of immigration policy has already been implicated in federal law. Presently, immigration reforms are being considered to make it easier for foreigners to start a new life in the United States of AmericaRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1516 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Pelosi said, It is more important to pass comprehensive immigration reform, to me and to my caucus, than to win the election in November†(Foley, 2014). That was what Joe Garcia was trying to accomplish with his policy H.R. 15. The policy did not improve the sponsor’s chances of being reelected because his ideas in the spectrum were more towards the liberal side than the conservative. As Florida being a red state, a Republican candidate won the election. It came down to what party the candidatesRead MoreThe United States Immigration Reform817 Words  | 4 Pages Astou Sow Immigration reform The United States Immigration Reform is specifically targeting the problem of 12 to 20 million undocumented workers in the United States. How would you trust and come out of the shadows if at any point the government changes their minds and deports you. As an immigrant there was times when I felt like I would be deported because of fear from how I got into this country. My dad would always blackmail me and my sisters to do what he wants or he would deport us and heRead MoreImmigration Reform : The United States2057 Words  | 9 PagesImmigration Reform In the United States, citizens are very familiar and concerned about the topic of the Immigration Reform. Based on the research report from Senior Research Associate Pew Hispanic Center, Jeffrey S. Passel predicted around 11 million or more undocumented immigrants in the US in March 2005, which existed more than 6.5 million undocumented Mexicans, up to 57% of the total undocumented population and the Latin American countries are occupied by another 24%. (Passel, 2005) FurthermoreRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1977 Words  | 8 PagesImmigration Reform Has Been a hot topic lately, President Barack Obama has recently used his power of executive order to give protection to some 5 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. The program protects about 5 million immigrants from deportation, and allows them to stay and work here legally. There has been a lot of opposition; republicans believe that the president’s action is unconstitutional, and t hat the president is usurping power from Congress. What the PresidentRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States2199 Words  | 9 Pages2011, it was calculated that over 40 million immigrants lived within the United States (figure 1-1). Among those forty million individuals, a reported 11.1 million are illegal (figure 1-2)1. It is clear that we need to create a plan of attack to address this large number of people living in this country illegally. There are essentially three avenues that we could travel down in order to complete this task. Either the United States could provide an easier path for citizenship for these people, or we could
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